OSTRALE Preis der Jury 2011
BIENNALE DRESDEN 2.ProPreum Kunstpreis 2012
BIENNALE DRESDEN 2.ProPreum Kunstpreis 2012
STUTTGARTER FILMWINTER internationaler Wettbewerb 2012
AACHEN Galerie Freitag 2013
GEDOK Kunstforum Hamburg 2014
POZNAN - Polen in Kooperation mit OSTRALE 2017
IMF 3. Ulaanbaatar International Media Arts Festival - Mongolei 2018
POZNAN - Polen in Kooperation mit OSTRALE 2017
IMF 3. Ulaanbaatar International Media Arts Festival - Mongolei 2018
1 Full-HD Projektion
1 Sound Surround Systeme
1 Wasserbecken/20 m2
1 Sound Surround Systeme
1 Wasserbecken/20 m2
BIENNALE/ Dresden - Alter Wasserturm Saloppe
2-Kanal Full HD Projektion
6 Sound Surround Systeme
1 Wasserkreuz 55 m2
6 Sound Surround Systeme
1 Wasserkreuz 55 m2
GEDOK kunstforum Hamburg
1 3D-Full HD Projektion
2 Sound Surround Systeme
2 Makrolonplatten mit Spiegelung
2 Sound Surround Systeme
2 Makrolonplatten mit Spiegelung
Weltweit existieren geheimnisvolle Mythen und Legenden, in denen Wasser eine zentrale Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Die indische Bhavishyotara-purana beschreibt das Wasser als Ursprung der ganzen Existenz. In der babylonischen Enuma-Elish entsteht die Erde aus einem Wasserchaos. Die Legenden der segara anakhan (übersetzt: Meer der Kinder) der Westküste Jawas erzählen von der Entstehung des Menschen aus dem Wasser. Finnische Kulturen ehren die Ilmatar, die Wassermutter, als Schöpferin der Welt.
Arcane myths and legends which water plays an importantpart exist completely independent from each other. The purifying power of water is emphasised in many rituals: submergency in the Mikweh within Jewish-Christian traditions - Wudhu, theritual cleaning of Islam - the importance of the Chhat festival and the Kumbh Mela Festes celebrated every twelve years, in Hinduism - baptism in Christianity - the ritual bathing for puberty and initation rites in Africa - the shubatsu cleaning before entering the main area of a shrine in Japan.
To approach the subject of water, the artist has as part of free-diving experiences, she practised thespecific breathing and relaxation techniques used in Apnea (deep diving without devices) for several months. she following the methods of the legendary Ama, the Japanese mermaids of the Shima peninsula who dive to gather Awabi.
Arcane myths and legends which water plays an importantpart exist completely independent from each other. The purifying power of water is emphasised in many rituals: submergency in the Mikweh within Jewish-Christian traditions - Wudhu, theritual cleaning of Islam - the importance of the Chhat festival and the Kumbh Mela Festes celebrated every twelve years, in Hinduism - baptism in Christianity - the ritual bathing for puberty and initation rites in Africa - the shubatsu cleaning before entering the main area of a shrine in Japan.
To approach the subject of water, the artist has as part of free-diving experiences, she practised thespecific breathing and relaxation techniques used in Apnea (deep diving without devices) for several months. she following the methods of the legendary Ama, the Japanese mermaids of the Shima peninsula who dive to gather Awabi.